Sunday, July 11, 2010

I need confidence boosters to be productive.

Because I'm such a perfectionist, nothing I do looks good to me until I think it's at professional level or when somebody professional (somewhat, at least) tells me it's good.

Most of the time I'm wallowing in self pity, wondering what I'm actually really good at. This really sucks.

Strangely, I want to keep that part of me so I can one day be at that level I want to be. Even though I struggle so much emotionally, and most of the time I lose so much confidence I can't even take one step forward.

I'm sick of how many people have told me I have the flair, the capabilities or the potential yet I'm not hitting it because of my time management or how I'm easily distracted.

I'm not sick of them telling me, I'm sick of how I know its (maybe, probably) true but I'll never reach my full potential cause of my inner struggles.

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